Oralmednet is a website dedicated to the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Dentistry at Otago University.
The site also serves as a place for patients to get information about certain oral medicne problems.
All care has been taken to keep this site up to date and accurate as possible.
Patient Information
Please use this site as a place you may get information on some of the common problems that affect your mouth and face region.
These problems mainly relate to causes not related to “teeth and gums” and can include Oral Ulcers, white and red spots, dry feeling or burning feeling of the mouth, various pains around the mouth, clicking noises of the jaw joint, swellings in the mouth, “snoring” and discolorations.
There are some help/advice documents here which may help your understanding of an oral medicine problem you may have but it is no way a substitute for a proper consultation with a trained practitioner and should not be used as such.

Oral Ulcers
Oral Ulcers can be a sign of general health problems within the body including deficiencies. Your oral Medicine specialist can review these and often there may be a simple solution. Some oral ulcers may be more sinister and a simple biopsy can improve the chances of a better outcome.
Facial Pain
Facial Pain can be due to many causes and proper investigations will help quicker improvement. Sometimes facial pain can be associated with and be related to ear symptoms and or headaches.

Student Information
Please use this site as a resource to add to what is provided by your university. The site will then become a resource when you graduate. I would be happy for your feed back by email to ajithpolonowita@gmail.com
I hope that the site will enhance your knowledge of Oral Medicine and enable you to better service your patients as well as improve your understanding of the subject.